Please download IntroExcel-Part1-SampleWorkbook.xlsx to follow along with workshop activities.

Throughout this workshop Click refers to a Left Click with your mouse

Tips and Tricks

Excel offers many other ways to organize your sheets and work with your data.

We will discuss how to split text into multiple columns, wrap text, add the date and time, and print headers on every page.

Split text into multiple columns

Let’s say we want to separate our employee’s first and last names in the Salesperson column.

To do this, navigate to the Employee Sales sheet (or Sheet1) in our workbook.

Our first step is to insert a new column to the left of Sales Q1 (Column C).

Then, navigate to the Data tab and Data Tools section

If you see a There's already data here. Do you want to replace it? pop-up, you will need to insert additional blank columns to ensure that the split text does not replace other data.

Now, since we have two columns with employee names, let’s rename Column B and Column C.

We can also resize the columns if we need to.

Wrap text

If your data is text-based, you can wrap the text so it appears on multiple lines in a cell.

Add the date and time

Add today’s date (static)

Add the current time (static)

Add today’s date and current time (static)]

Add a date or time that updates (dynamic)

Now the current date and time will update when the workbook/sheet is opened.

When an Excel sheet is more than one page, it can be helpful to print the headers on every page.

Now the headers will print on every page.