Please download IntroExcel-Part1-SampleWorkbook.xlsx to follow along with workshop activities.

Throughout this workshop Click refers to a Left Click with your mouse

Insert Basic Functions

Functions can help you do math, calculate standard deviation, edit text, or find specific types of data.

Today, we are going to focus on two functions: the SUM function and the PROPER function.

To start, let’s navigate to the Employee Sales sheet (or Sheet1).

SUM function

The SUM function (a Math & Trig function) adds values together.

Let’s say we want to see the total amount of sales made by employees in Q1 and Q2.

To do this, we first have to insert a new column to the left of Hire Date (Column E).

Now we can use the SUM function to add Sales Q1 and Sales Q2 together.

To easily sum the remaining employee sales, we can use Autofill.

PROPER function

As we are looking at our data, we can see that the state names in Column A are all lowercase.

To make our spreadsheet more visually appealing, we can use the PROPER function (a Text function) to change this text to proper capitalization. This will capitalize the first letter of each word and convert all other letters to lowercase.

To do this, we first have to insert a new column before Salesperson (Column B)

Now, we can change the capitalization with the PROPER function

To easily capitalize the remaining state names, we can use Autofill.

Our next step is to place these state names back in Column A using a special copy and paste.

Since Column B is now duplicated, we can delete it.

More Help

To learn more about functions, open Excel and navigate to the Formulas tab and the Function Library section.

For more information on inserting advanced functions, visit the Introduction to Excel Part II: Insert Advanced Functions page.

You can also visit the the Microsoft’s Excel Functions (by Category) website.